
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville PA 4/14/12

I have a fascination with cemeteries.  Not just any kind of cemetery though... I love the old ones, the ones without a lot of shiny new headstones.  I love the ones the look slightly worn and forgotten.

There is a small cemetery in Huntsville, PA.  It's possibly as large as a baseball field, but I think that would be pushing it a bit.  Anyway, when you drive in, the older part of the cemetery is to the right.  You can see the old-fashioned headstones, all thin and crooked.  There are more there, some broken, some toppled and starting to be overrun with grass.  All are definitely worth the look.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Violet Vinegar

My mom -Elderberry- and I decided to try our hand at Violet Vinegar. :)

1. Collect Violets

Collecting violets is a lot more fun when collecting with a friend. :)

 2.  Gather your items. 
Here I have the violets I collected & washed.  I am also using 
white wine vinegar and there is the glass jar.  I know there is
a no-no with vinegar and metal like the lid, but the vinegar won't come 
in contact with the metal in this project.

3.  Violets go in the jar :)

 Really, how gorgeous are they!!
I love the color!

4.  Fill jar with vinegar or at least until covering all the violets.

5.  Now this pretty concoction will go sit on my windowsill for two weeks.
I will post pictures as it progresses!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New items

All of these can be found on etsy



