
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sometimes one just needs to remember...

I found myself getting very aggravated today.  The healing from my appendectomy seemed like it was taking forever.  I was tired of hurting, oozing, feeling holes and scabs.  I was impatient with the whole process and actually hating my body for all the hell it's been putting me through.

And then... I realized something.  It's no wonder things are going wonky with my healing process.  All this hate and aggravation was turning itself into the infection.  I had a bad attitude toward my body and thus my body was giving me all the ick it could.

So I turned around and decided to do one happy thing.  It could have been anything.  Creating something.  Making myself laugh.  Being silly.  What I did was turn up the mp3 player and DANCE.  OK, probably not the wisest thing to do when the body is healing... but 5 minutes of dancing made my soul feel better and, in turn, the pain went away for a few hours.  (Granted I oozed a lot in that time, but better out than in, right?)

Healing is not a passive thing... it's an active state of mind.  It's willfully putting the body back together into its correct or better configuration.  It's an act of Love.  It's saying that I love myself so much that my mindset needs to bring my body back into alignment.  It's actively acknowledging and acting upon all those things that need to bring about wellness-- whether it means taking it easy, eating foods that promote healing, listening to doctor's orders, and sometimes getting up and dancing to connect with the universal life force again.

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